Basic information about hairloss: Reason for baldness and hairloss

As medical research has shown the male hormone testosterone is mainly responsible for inherited balding in human beings. After being exposed to the 5-alpha-reductase tesosterone this hormone starts to produce DHT (dihydrotestosterone), another variety of hormones which forces hair follices to shrink and fall out when not being resistant. DHT-sensitive hair are mostly found around the hairline and the crown. Every person with a genetic predispostion will undergo hairloss in different extenses. This happens both to men and women, but is mainly classified as a typical male incident since more of DHT-susceptible hair follicles are found on the male scalp.

Genetic baldness (androgentic alopecia) can occur in various instances and lead to extensive and severe hair loss. The degree of hair loss has lately been classified in different categories within the Norwood Scale.

Medication against hairloss

Effective drugs against hair loss have been found with Regaine/Rogaine and Finasterid. After Regain/Rogaine is being applied in a topical solution onto the receeding hairline and/or the crown it starts to promote new hair growth when being used regularly. The final results differ from person to person and may often lead to an improvement while others are not as susceptible for its active ingredient (“Minoxidil”).

Finasterid is being popped as a pill orally and can regularly be used to block the DHT in the patients body. Patients taking Finasterid, which is available in drug stores as “Propecia”, benefit from slowing down the hair loss process.

Both products are only significantly effective when being taken regularly. Furthermore the benefits differs from the individual predisposition and age. There is no evidence that both Propecia (Finasterid) and Rogain/Regaine will help to grow all hair back, nor are they proven effective for a higher percentage of patients.