Automated motorized Extraction Machine (Device) from Dr. Cole: PCID The future of FUE hair transplant extraction
Programmable FUE Extraction device – machine for physicians, doctors, hair surgeons and hair restoration clinics: Sharpest Punch in the industry! Transection Rate below 2,58 %! Less fatigue during graft extraction! For the safest and fastest FUE ever!
Welcome to the international website of the PCID FUE Hair Transplant Extraction device (machine) from Dr. John Peter Cole.
In recent years, hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular. The techniques most commonly offered are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant and FUT – Strip hair transplant. But more and more frequently patients decide for the FUE hair restoration technique due to the numerous advantages.
FUE Hair Transplant and the problems for hair surgeons, physicans and doctors: The grafts are more difficult to extract than with FUT hair transplant and the physicians need also a lot of more time as well as the removal produces fatigue
Until now clinics, hair surgeons and physicians was not happy to offer fue and then only because of the high demand of patients.
The problems of FUE Hair Restoration for doctors, hair surgeons and physicans: The grafts are more difficult to extract than with FUT hair transplant and the hair surgeons – physicians need also a lot of more time as well as the removal produces fatigue. And if little know-how and experience is available, manual extraction/removal of the grafts can quickly cause a high rate of Transection (damaging grafts).
Automated fue devices, robotic FUE extraction, motorize fue extraction machines (tools), roboter fue techniques and robotic hair transplant: High demand > Many clinics, physicians, doctors and hair surgeons are looking for exactly these terms
Hair Transplant clinics, physicians, doctors and hair surgeons globally ask for automated fue devices, robotic extraction, motorized fue machines, automated FUE technique, or machines to comprehensively be endowed with a new technology fastening the process. So the industry has developed several devices to extract the grafts better and faster. But a problem with many machines: Some were not designed specifically for hair restoration surgery, but for dentistry.
Motorized FUE extraction device – the PCID: A automated FUE device (tool) specifically designed for fue hair transplants > Revolutionizing FUE Hair Transplant Extraction
The new PCID technique by Cole Instruments features a new automated fue device – tool to precisely and safely harvest hair follicles via FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) allowing to control the hand-piece / extraction punch via a touch screen controller.
Automated FUE Extraction device – machine PCID > The Advantages of the PCID: Sharpest Punch in the industry! Transection Rate below 2,58 %! Less fatigue during graft extraction! For the safest and fastest FUE ever!
The PCID automated and motorized FUE Extraction device offers many advantages like less fatigue during graft extraction, sharpest Punch in the industry, Transection Rate below 2,58 %, precise depth and speed control, limitless setting options including rotation, oscillation and rotation followed by oscillation.
Read more advantages of our motorized FUE Extraction machine in our article “PCID Advantages” and read also: “Comparison PCID to other automated and motorized FUE Extraction Devices – Machines”.
Already in use by renowned and experienced FUE hair surgeons
The PCID is already in use by renowned and experienced FUE hair surgeons, such as the experienced FUE hair transplant doctor Dr. Patrick Mwamba. Read about other customers here.
Hair Transplant Training from Dr. John P. Cole to hair transplant clinics, doctors, physicians, hair surgeons and about PCID technique instruction
Dr. John P. Cole offers also FUE Hair Transplant Training to other hair surgeons, doctors and physicians.
In his training, incidentally, the benefits of the motorized and automated PCID FUE device is explained and you will learn all the benefits of new technology PCID. If you decide to buy the device, Dr. Cole will also offer personal instruction.
Coleinstruments: Hair Transplant Instruments, Tools, Devices and Punches from Coleinstruments to make hair transplant better
Coleinstruments in Atlanta – USA of Dr. John Peter Cole is proud to announce its offering of advanced and uniquely designed instruments, tools, devices and Punches for use in Follicular Unit Extraction or “FUE” hair transplants. Read more infos about Instruments/Tools/Devices and Punches from Coleinstrument:
Are you a hair surgeon, physican or a doctor and want to be educated or trained or need more informations about the PCID automated FUE Device or other Instruments/Tools/Devices and Punches from Coleinstrument?
Are you a hair surgeon, physican or a doctor and want to be educated or trained or need more informations about the PCID automated FUE Device or other Instruments/Tools/Devices and Punches from Coleinstrument? Please feel free to contact us: Read also